Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Lightning Bugs

I walked outside tonight at 9:00 to take my trash can & recycle bin out to the curb for trash day tomorrow. It was the perfect time to go outside tonight because the lightning bugs were lighting it up! Those little creatures still amaze me. We didn't have those in Florida, so growing up I only saw them when I visited my cousins in Iowa and Indiana. I no longer smash them on my finger nails and think that is cool that my nails light up for a few seconds. But I did think about doing that. Not really, but I did want to catch some and put them in a jar so Titus could see them in the morning. He would think I was so cool if I did that. But I remember catching them as a kid and even if you poke the holes in the top of the container they are still going to die by the morning.
Long story made even longer, I enjoyed seeing the lightning bugs tonight. They looked so pretty lighting up in the green belt and all around outside. I loved it.

1 comment:

thesawhooks said...

Ah = I haven't seen any yet! :)