Friday, January 20, 2006

January the 20th.... mark it down. I'm becoming a professional blogger! My husband is a wonderful person and husband. He is a great dad to our lovely son.
One example of what a great guy my husband is, he made us a delicious chicago stuffed pizza for dinner tonight. This isn't just an ordinary pizza you just throw into the oven. No, it takes a couple hours to make and flour is all in your hair and in your fingernails (well not that bad, but it is messy). Titus our 9 month old even had it all over him from rolling around on the kitchen floor! He looked cute and dirty! Titus also spilled over the sugar dish that was on the floor. It was on the floor because we needed all of the counter space to roll out the dough. All of this mess was going on while we were trying to get our dinner made and the house picked up because we had company coming over. We invited a couple guys from our church over for dinner. They had never been here before. We all had fun just hanging out talking. They really seemed to like the pizza and the sweet tea. Yup, good ol' sweet tea! You can't find good sweet tea out here in cali. I have to make it myself. My mom taught me well.
Well i will have to give credit to my father-in-law Jim for getting me into this profession of blogging Hee Hee!! He is really good at it. I noticed his times for posting blogs are done at around 5:00 am. How he types and thinks of sentences at that time of the night blows my mind. I don't think you will ever see a posting from me at that time. But Jim has some really good blogs....Way to go Jim!!

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